Tue, 22 November 2016
Put down that dry turkey and pick up the juiciest, most succulent, cooked to perfection Star Wars podcast ever to use food metaphors. Jon & Robert talk about Emilia Clarke joining the Han Solo movie, the Star Wars Rebels episode "The Iron Squadron" and end with an in-depth, spoiler filled review of the Rogue One prequel novel "Catalyst" by James Luceno. We also talk about a bunch of other stuff you can hear for yourself on TB:TSE Ep 66 Thanks for listening hosts@talkingbirdcast.com www.twitter.com/talkingbirdcast www.talkingbirdcast.com/amazon Thanks for listening.
Direct download: TalkingBirdtheSpecialEditionEpisode66.mp3
Category:Star Wars -- posted at: 5:05pm PST |