Talking Bird

Jon and Robert change gears this week and talk about Showtime's revival of David Lynch's "Twin Peaks". More specifically, they tackle the enormous cast list released to media this week. Lots of new faces, lots of returning favorites and a few suspicious absences in this list. We hope you enjoy this brief break from Star Wars and be assured we will return to a galaxy far, far away next week. Enjoy.

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Direct download: TalkingBirdtheSpecialEditionEp41.mp3
Category:Star Wars -- posted at: 8:50pm PST

Talking Bird: The Special Edition turns 40 this week and you get all the gifts. We start with a little music talk and then move into the Star Wars. I could tell you about all the things we talk about, but that would take the fun out of it. Please enjoy and share with your friends who like Star Wars podcasts.

Talk to us

Thanks for listening!


p.s. Sorry about the 420 joke. I'm not good with drug humor. -R

Direct download: TalkingBirdtheSpecialEditionEp40.mp3
Category:Star Wars -- posted at: 7:27pm PST

After an unplanned hiatus, Jon & Robert return to talk about Star Wars. We hope you're still out there because we talk about the "Rogue One" trailer, "The Force Awakens" home video release. We discuss the use (or overuse) of "canon" when it comes to Star Wars. Robert complains about comic books and much...much..more.

We discuss this article. Worth a read.

talk to us

p.s. I hope we are able to convey in our conversations, that in our humble opinion(s), the only real criteria for being a Star Wars fan is liking Star Wars. It's meant be enjoyed by all who want to enjoy it.

Thanks for listening to us talk.

Direct download: TalkingBirdtheSpecialEdition39.mp3
Category:Star Wars -- posted at: 6:12pm PST