Fri, 27 December 2019
Mon, 9 December 2019
Sean and Robert take another pass at an Episode 9 preview before delving into a conversation about the first five episodes of Disney's "The Mandalorian"
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Fri, 25 October 2019
The Salt Vampire of M-113...Lot's Wife...neither are saltier that the Two Dudes when they begin to discuss Disney's final nail in the Skywalker's coffin and the state of the Star Wars franchise in general. Join us for a opinionated, sometimes bawdy, but always interesting conversation. Strong Language light is ON.
Wed, 23 October 2019
Back from the Dead. The "Dudes" return to discuss The Original Misfits reunion show(s). Drop us a line Use our Amazon affiliate link. Thanks.
Fri, 29 March 2019
This was a fun one. Robert and Sean dust off their memories of their teenage years to discuss, analyze and laugh about their love of the greatest (warts and all) heavy metal band in the world, Metallica. This not intended to be a definitive history, rather a fun, long-form discussion will lots of personal anecdotes. This is only part one. It covers the formation of the band to the ...And Justice for All tour. Harsh language and rampant speculation abound. PART TWO COMING SOON(ish)! Thanks for listening
Thu, 17 January 2019
Back for the Attack in 2019! Robert and Sean ring in the new year by talking about video games. EA cancels ANOTHER Star Wars game? Talking fish, rampant speculation and much more. This one is extra long to make up for the gap between episodes. Enjoy! PROGRAM NOTE: Robert refers to a video game, "Wizard of Gore" this episode, but he meant "Wizard of Wor". That being said, Herschel Gordon Lewis and the Gor novels and usually rattling in his head too.
Direct download: TwoDudesTalkVideoGames_-_11619_10.43_PM.mp3
Category:general -- posted at: 1:12am PST |